Building conservation publications from the Engine Shed, ranging from detailed technical papers to advice for conservation beginners.
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Technical, Advice & Guidance (235)
INFORM Guide (61)
Case Study (41)
Refurbishment Case Studies (37)
Technical Advice Notes (26)
Managing Change Guidance (19)
Short Guide (15)
Guides for Practitioners (10)
Conference Proceedings (9)
Owner and Occupier Guide (4)
Reference Report (3)
Focus Magazine (1)
Research (84)
Technical Paper (36)
Research and Study Report (18)
Historic Publication (17)
Historic Trade Catalogue (12)
Academic Research (2)
Book (Research) (1)
General Interest (11)
Education (6)
Corporate (3)

The Painter, Gilder and Varnisher's Companion
Information on everything related to the art of decorative painting.

The Pattern of Scottish Roofing
Research Report
An overview of the roofing materials and techniques found in Scotland.

The Performance of Replacement Sandstone
A report on restoration schemes in Edinburgh's New Town.

The Stone of Destiny
Condition Assessment, Scientific Analysis and Digital Documentation 2023
This report outlines the discoveries made by new investigations, why such measures are important for the future of the Stone and the essential role of modern technology in conserving Scotland's heritage.

Timber Decay in Buildings - The Conservation Approach to Treatment
A guide tackling issues relating to building decay.

Timber and the Built Environment
Proceedings of a conference in 2002 to broaden the understanding of timber as a building material.
Traditional Buildings Health Check
Pilot Project Review
This publication describes a 5-year pilot project set up to support and encourage owners of traditional buildings to undertake proactive repair and preventive maintenance.
Training in Construction Crafts
Erasmus+ Project Report
A comparative study of trades training in Norway, Poland, and Scotland.

Wave and Tidal Energy
An introduction to tidal energy in the historic environment.