Building conservation publications from the Engine Shed, ranging from detailed technical papers to advice for conservation beginners.
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Technical Paper 21
Data sources for energy performance assessments of historic buildings in the United Kingdom
A paper identifying data sources that can be helpful for assessing the energy performance of historic buildings.

Technical Paper 22
Scotstarvit Tower Cottage
A report on the performance of a new heating system installed at Scotstarvit Tower Cottage.

Technical Paper 23
Thermal assessment of internal shutters and window film applied to traditional single glazed sash and case windows.
A report examining methods for improving the thermal performance of single-glazed sash and case windows.
Technical Paper 24
Historic Environment Scotland Refurbishment Case Studies: Review of Energy Efficiency Projects
This Technical Paper is a review of Historic Environment Scotland’s Refurbishment Case Studies.

Technical Paper 27
Hot-mixed Lime Mortars: Microstructure and Functional Performance
A paper presenting technical evidence for the use of hot-mixed lime mortars in the conservation of masonry structures.

Technical Paper 28
Specifying hot-mixed lime mortars
A report examining the use of hot-mixed lime mortars for the repair, conservation and restoration of traditional masonry structures in the UK and Ireland.
Technical Paper 29
A Review of Hot-Mixed External Lime Coatings in Scotland 1997-2016
A review of traditional buildings/structures in Scotland where hot-mixed lime mortars have been used for the repair or re-instatement of their external coatings since 1997.
Technical Paper 30
Historic Literature Review of Traditional Lime Mortars
This Technical Paper is a review of historic literature relating to lime mortars, focusing on historic texts from 160BC - 1955
Technical Paper 31
Historic External Lime Finishes in Scotland
A paper exploring historic external lime coatings on traditional buildings.