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Managing Change in the Historic Environment: External Fixtures
This guidance note sets out the principles that apply to altering the external fixtures of historic buildings.

Managing Change in the Historic Environment: External Walls
This guidance note sets out the principles that apply to altering the external walls of historic buildings.

Managing Change in the Historic Environment: Fire and Historic Buildings
Fire and Historic Buildings is a practical guide to support good decision-making for fire safety measures and in response to fire damage.

Managing Change in the Historic Environment: Gardens and Designed Landscapes
This guidance note sets out the principles that apply to developments affecting Inventory gardens and designed landscapes.
Managing Change in the Historic Environment: Historic Battlefields
This guidance note provides advice for planning authorities, public bodies and others involved in planning land management activities.

Managing Change in the Historic Environment: Interiors
This guidance note sets out the principles that apply to alterations to the interiors of historic buildings.

Managing Change in the Historic Environment: Micro-renewables
This guidance note sets out the principles that apply to the use of micro-renewable technologies in historic buildings and sites.

Managing Change in the Historic Environment: Roofs
This guidance note sets out the principles that apply to altering the roofs of historic buildings.

Managing Change in the Historic Environment: Setting
This guidance note sets out the principles that apply to developments affecting the setting of historic assets or places.