Building conservation publications from the Engine Shed, ranging from detailed technical papers to advice for conservation beginners.
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MacFarlane's Castings, Volumes 1 & 2
Saracen Foundry, Glasgow
A volume celebrating the legacy of one of Scotland's most successful and internationally renowned industrial firms of the 1800s.

Macduff Slate Research Report
Reports on the research into the viability of reinstating a supply of indigenous Scottish slate.

Mantel Grates, The Falkirk Iron Company
Illustrations and descriptions of mantel grates circa 1928.

Modern Buildings their Planning and Construction
Volume V
A volume on methods and materials of building construction in the early 1900s.

Modern House Construction
A book aiming to describe new construction materials and new uses of old materials.

Painted ceilings from 16th and 17th century properties
A technical paper commissioned in collaboration with AOC Archaeology providing information on a collection of painted ceilings from 16th and 17th century properties.

Plasterers' Work
A digest and illustrations of plasterers' work, dating to about 1906.

Rubber Flooring
Issued by the Rubber Grower’s Association Inc.
This historic publication promotes the benefits and use of rubber flooring in several contexts.

Scotland's Shops
A publication on the design of shops in Scotland, including a gazetteer of retail buildings.