Building conservation publications from the Engine Shed, ranging from detailed technical papers to advice for conservation beginners.
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Research (42)
Historic Publication (15)
Research and Study Report (15)
Technical Paper (5)
Historic Trade Catalogue (4)
Academic Research (2)
Book (Research) (1)
Technical, Advice & Guidance (23)
Technical Advice Notes (6)
Case Study (3)
INFORM Guide (3)
Short Guide (3)
Guides for Practitioners (2)
Conference Proceedings (1)
Focus Magazine (1)
Owner and Occupier Guide (1)
General Interest (6)
Corporate (2)

Dryburgh Abbey Conservation Management Plan
This plan provides an informal basis for the future management of the Dryburgh Abbey Grounds.

Early Medieval Sculpture and the Production of Meaning, Value and Place
The Case of Hilton of Cadboll
A research report designed to gain an understanding of meaning and values surrounding early medieval sculpture.
Focus Magazine
Our annual magazine showcasing technical conservation within Historic Environment Scotland (HES) and our partners.

Granites and Our Granite Industry
A book detailing granite and its quarrying in Britain.

Green Recovery Statement for The Historic Environment
Using Scotland’s Past to Support Our Future
Our historic environment can make a vital contribution to Scotland’s green recovery from the pandemic and its transition to net zero and a climate resilient society. Find out how in this Statement.
Guide to Energy Retrofit of Traditional Buildings
This guide looks into the thermal retrofit of traditional buildings to improve their energy efficiency, through a range of fabric improvements measures to different elements of a structure.

Hoppus's Practical Measurer
A book containing various tables for calculating the capacity of timber, stone and iron.

Illustrations of Trades
A book on the many trades existing in Britain at the time of its publication.
Impact of the Braer Oil Spill on Historic Scotland Monuments in Shetland
A study of the effects of the Braer oil spill on stone structures in Shetland.