Building conservation publications from the Engine Shed, ranging from detailed technical papers to advice for conservation beginners.
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Technical Paper 10
U-values and traditional buildings
Results of U-valve measurements of mostly walls, some roofs and one floor.

Technical Paper 11
Scottish Renaissance Interiors
A report outlining dilemmas in the effective conservation of Scottish Renaissance interiors.

Technical Paper 12
Indoor Environmental Quality in Refurbishment
An overview of health issues related to building refurbishment.

Technical Paper 13
Embodied energy considerations
A technical paper outlining the importance of life cycle analysis in assessing the sustainability of new buildings and maintaining existing buildings.

Technical Paper 14
Keeping warm in a cooler house
A paper exploring achieving comfort in an older house using background low-temperature heating.

Technical Paper 15
Assessing risks in insulation retrofits using hygrothermal software tools: Heat and moisture transport in internally insulated stone walls
An introduction to the basics of hygrothermal building physics.

Technical Paper 16
Green Deal financial modelling of a traditional cottage and tenement flat
This technical paper presents the findings of financial modelling exercises taken on a detached cottage and an urban tenement flat.

Technical Paper 17
Green Deal, Energy Company Obligation and traditional buildings
This paper models comprehensive upgrades for three traditional property types and identifies financial opportunities for financial support through the Green Deal.

Technical Paper 18
Evaluating Energy Modelling in Traditionally Constructed Dwellings
A study demonstrating the use of building modelling in traditionally constructed dwellings in Scotland.