Building conservation publications from the Engine Shed, ranging from detailed technical papers to advice for conservation beginners.
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Technical, Advice & Guidance (98)
INFORM Guide (61)
Managing Change Guidance (13)
Short Guide (5)
Case Study (4)
Technical Advice Notes (4)
Refurbishment Case Studies (4)
Reference Report (3)
Guides for Practitioners (2)
Research (6)
Historic Publication (3)
Technical Paper (2)
Historic Trade Catalogue (1)
Research and Study Report (1)
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Inform Guide: Damp Gables
This INFORM guide outlines the symptoms, likely causes, and repair options of damp gables.
INFORM Guide: Tenement Maintenance
This INFORM guide provides information about the maintenance and management of repairs in a shared building.
Inform Guide: Mould Growth
Guidance on mould growth in traditional buildings, including how to prevent and remove it.

Inform Guide: Boundary Ironwork
Many building owners are choosing to re-instate boundary ironwork which has fallen into disrepair or was perhaps removed for the war effort. This INFORM guide provides relevant advice.

Inform Guide: Graffiti Removal
This INFORM guide offers practical advice on the removal of graffiti to owners of historic buildings and structures.

Inform Guide: Rot in Timber
INFORM guide on identifying rot and repair and maintenance in historic Scottish buildings.

Inform Guide: Stone Floors
This INFORM guide outlines, dating structure, repair and maintenance.

Inform Guide: Structural Joinery
This INFORM guide covers the survey, inspection and repair options associated with structural joinery.

Inform Guide: Terracotta and Faience
INFORM guide on the conservation and maintenance of terracotta and faience.