Building conservation publications from the Engine Shed, ranging from detailed technical papers to advice for conservation beginners.
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Development of Sash and Case Windows
"Development of Sash and Case Windows" is a detailed account of the historical evolution of the sash and case window, detailing the gradual technical and aesthetic refinements.
Early Medieval Sculpture and the Production of Meaning, Value and Place
The Case of Hilton of Cadboll
A research report designed to gain an understanding of meaning and values surrounding early medieval sculpture.
Impact of the Braer Oil Spill on Historic Scotland Monuments in Shetland
A study of the effects of the Braer oil spill on stone structures in Shetland.
Training in Construction Crafts
Erasmus+ Project Report
A comparative study of trades training in Norway, Poland, and Scotland.
Soft Capping in Scotland
This Research Report covers the use of plants on masonry to preserve traditional buildings.
Painted ceilings from 16th and 17th century properties
A technical paper commissioned in collaboration with AOC Archaeology providing information on a collection of painted ceilings from 16th and 17th century properties.