Building conservation publications from the Engine Shed, ranging from detailed technical papers to advice for conservation beginners.
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Managing Change in the Historic Environment: Historic Battlefields
This guidance note provides advice for planning authorities, public bodies and others involved in planning land management activities.

Managing Change in the Historic Environment: Interiors
This guidance note sets out the principles that apply to alterations to the interiors of historic buildings.

Managing Change in the Historic Environment: Micro-renewables
This guidance note sets out the principles that apply to the use of micro-renewable technologies in historic buildings and sites.

Managing Change in the Historic Environment: Roofs
This guidance note sets out the principles that apply to altering the roofs of historic buildings.

Managing Change in the Historic Environment: Setting
This guidance note sets out the principles that apply to developments affecting the setting of historic assets or places.

Managing Change in the Historic Environment: Shopfronts and Signs
This guidance note sets out the principles that apply to altering historic shopfronts and signs.

Managing Change in the Historic Environment: Windows
This note sets out the principles that apply to altering the windows of historic buildings.

Managing Change in the Historic Environment: Works on Scheduled Monuments
This guidance note sets out the legal requirements relating to works on scheduled monuments under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979.

Managing Change in the Historic Environment: World Heritage
This guidance note sets out the principles that apply to developments affecting World Heritage Sites.